Sunlight can help your body produce Vitamin D, which is important and useful for fighting depression of any type. If you are suffering from postpartum depression, you should make it a point to spend some time outside in the sun each day. Even 30 minutes can make a big difference.
Many people get depressed in the winter because of the lack of sunlight, and if you are already suffering from postpartum, it can make your condition worse. If you can’t get outside or if the sun isn’t out, try taking a Vitamin D supplement or consider Ion Therapy.
You can talk to your doctor about other options that can help increase the Vitamin D in your system and help fight off postpartum depression and improve your overall mood and health. If you do plan on taking a Vitamin D supplement, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor to make sure it will not interfere with other medications. Sunlight can help your body produce Vitamin D, which is important and useful for fighting depression of any type. If you are suffering from postpartum depression, you should make it a point to spend some time outside in the sun each day. Even 30 minutes can make a big difference.
The Happy Vitamin
I have birth Seven children so far and didn't experience noticeable postpartum emotions until my seventh child. Surprisingly it showed up as a mood we never hear mentioned when speaking about postpartum emotions. We always hear about PPD (postpartum depression) and its effects and symptoms yet Rage is never mentioned. I for one didn't know it existed until my seventh child. I was so enraged the first 5 weeks after having her. I was craving punching a face! The only thing that was giving me any type of solace was sitting outside with the sun beating down on my face, holding my baby, while eating candy canes. That's why I call the sun the happy vitamin!
#happyhealing #postpartumdepression #postpartumrage #vitaminDandPostpartum #angerandpostpartum #curesforpostpartumderession